
Cosa facciamo

Gemmlab has been covering the founding principles of Smart Cities for some time, collaborating in the promotion of the patrimony of its public and private clients for sustainable development and the enhancement of human and territorial heritage.

Our starting point
Gemmlab has always approached the themes of social inclusion, sustainability and combining them with the “smart” term, which is increasingly characteristic of the complexity management method adopted by the European Union in its future strategies.

Our point of the situation
Gemmlab has mastered the Information and Communication Technologies by offering new reading keys for the collection and processing of big data data collection and processing (big data) support that sharing open information publicly for the benefit of the community, central element of any political decision and strategic technique.

Our arrival point
Gemmlab is at the side of its customers in the realization of Smart solutions in the phases of design, implementation, drafting of planning tools, surveying and monitoring campaigns, input of technologies and innovations. These are activities specifically designed to simplify the management of complex data to obtain a concrete advantage in terms of management and administration.


Our Last Work

Arco, il terzo comune della Provincia di Trento ha da sempre adottato politiche di settore in materia di trasporti e sicurezza stradale con riguardo alla segnaletica.

Costruire un completo quadro di conoscenza del territorio riguardo agli impianti di segnaletica

 • costituzione di un completo database geografico consistente negli oggetti presenti su strada;
 • rilievo manuale di completamento delle informazioni di ogni singolo impianto per verificarne la piena aderenza alle specifiche del Nuovo Codice della Strada.

 • realizzazione di una banca dati georeferenziata composta da 3189 impianti, 5331 segnali e 3058 supporti;
• realizzazione di un preciso computo che consentirà all’Ente di investire propriamente le cifre per il riordino del catasto di informazioni;
• aggiornamento e mantenimento autonomo delle informazioni da parte del personale dell’Ente anche attraverso dispositivi mobili.

La città di Abano Terme vanta da sempre un patrimonio arboreo particolarmente invidiabile. Vista la risaputa notorietà che la cittadina padovana riveste a livello turistico per le cure termali, molta attenzione viene posta all’arredo urbano e a tutti gli aspetti di gestione del verde pubblico.

Realizzare una completa fase di georeferenziazione degli alberi e un allineamento delle attività di manutenzione effettuate.

 • precisa georeferenziazione di ogni singola pianta;
• misurazione di elementi morfologici della pianta;
• creazione di un’app da consegnare a professionisti esterni incaricati di realizzare un nuovo piano del Verde. 

Realizzazione di un preciso piano di manutenzione degli alberi presenti e messa in evidenza di tratte di strade del centro dove intervnire con nuove piantumazioni.


With who we work


Geolander® is a registered brand of Gemmlab srl, a system of representation of reality that allows to obtain a vast amount of geospatial information and to use it according to different requests or needs.

Thanks to precise, reliable and technologically advanced detection tools, it is possible to simultaneously collect all the information that substantiates a territory.

The accuracy of the system, the time saving in data acquisition and their rapid processing have enabled Geolander to easily overcome all traditional detection systems, providing a 3D virtualization of the urban area.

Geolander is the election project to plan Smart City and Smart Land.

iMapper is a digital infrastructure (cloud based) called Location Platform, which realizes data management of geospatial databases for the digital geography market using Data As A Service (DAAS) services. The origin of the geolocalized information entered is obtained through the Geolander® surveys.

The platform organizes the Big Data from its own source or integrates through its external source analysis functions to provide a complete decision base.

The datacenter provides for the production of reliable, accurate and certified geographical data whose management and organization is possible thanks to the availability of application solutions for every need.

The data are available in open data formats.

iMapper makes the use of the geographical position the strategic element of the business of the future.


The territorial data is a complex and increasingly dynamic entity: the challenge of Gemmlab consists in offering a different perspective to interpret this kind of phenomena, providing a complete picture of the territory’s knowledge.

Be.Geo is the new geographic engine that offers exceptional guarantees of flexibility, performance and reliability.
The integration of alphanumeric, graphic and multimedia data accelerates the cognitive process. The service infrastructure is an absolutely winning strategic opportunity.

Available Forms:

  • MODULE Domus © – Civic Publication and Building Heritage
  • MODULE Signum © – Publication of the Cadastral Road Signs
  • MODULE Lumen © – Publication of the Public Lighting Cadastre
  • MODULE Net © – Management of technological networks
  • MODULO Planus © – Publication of the Urban Planning Plan Instrument
  • MODULO Viridis © – Publication of Public Green Cadastre
  • MODULO Aeger© – Data publication of the Land Agency

Soluzioni Globo

The geographical applications are developed for the management of specific areas, but strongly integrated with each other as modules of a unit geographical information system. Within the Globe environment, the applications cover all aspects related to land management: environment, cartography, land registry, organization, geomarketing, civil protection, networks, urban planning.

With the applications it is in fact possible:


  • to have a telematic desk to manage administrative procedures, application description forms, digital forms, electronic payments, online regulations;
  • map, monitor and manage project processes in the best possible way;
  • placing objects on a map by establishing correlations that would otherwise be impossible to identify, such as between civic numbers and land registry identifiers, in a historical data model;
  • recreate a cadastral database periodically updated with the data provided by the Inland Revenue, to consult the current situation of a building or to go back to a specific date;
  • manage urban planning tools;
  • navigate the map and interact with it, draw and edit geographical features, generate simple work prints and alphanumeric reports.


Gemmlab is a consolidated partner of ESRI, a world leader in the management of spatial data. ESRI Italia has believed, since the first years of its operation, in the Italian market and in the importance of establishing a consolidated network of partners for the diffusion of Geographic Information Systems based on the GIS ESRI technology.

Gemmlab is an integral part of the ESRI Italia Business Network, an increasingly powerful way to share and enhance experiences, gaining greater competitive advantage on the market.

Through this partnership it has been possible to expand customers in the business world by offering the potential of ESRI technology with Gemmlab customizations, combining specific technological skills and consolidated market knowledge with application development capabilities.